Saturday, September 5, 2015


Hey guys! This august wrap up is a bit late. I've been very busy with school + I'm really anxious about my grades. But still, I read a lot of books this month. A lot of great books. 
That one word can sum up the books that I've read this month.
anyway, I read 9 volumes of manga and 6 full length novels in the month of August!

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My Ratings (10-18 volumes)- 4/5 bananas
My Thoughts: I read volumes 10-18 of Kaichou Maid Sama! This manga wrapped up really nicely. It's pretty cliche if you have read other mangas or watched shojou animes. But still, it's a fun and cute read. 

My ratings: 4.5/5 bananas
My Thoughts: This is really fun filled book but also touches many aspects that can be found in society today. This book also has a diverse cast of characters. If you want to read my full thoughts on the book, here's my book review

My ratings: 4.5/5 bananas
My thoughts on the book: What a great sequel! The only problem I had is that the middle felt like nothing was happening but the ending and the beginning was really good. There's a bunch of new characters that has been introduced and I'm pretty sure you'll love them (if you have read the first book)

My ratings: 5/5 bananas
My thoughts on the book: I read this for the very first time. I know, I know. Why didn't I get to this book sooner? Not enough words can explain how much I love this book now. 

My ratings: 5/5 bananas
My thoughts on the book: AHHHH SO GOOD.

My ratings: 5/5 bananas
My thoughts on the book: I seriusly love these books. (hah get it?)

My ratings: 5/5 bananas
My thoughts on the book: I hate Cho. and i'm part of the SPEW club.

* * * * *
Those are the books that I have read and loved this month. What are the books that you guys read on the month of august? Also, I FOLLOWED MY TBR WOAH. 

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