Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Wrapping Up Read-A-Thons

Hey guys! There were a lot of read-a-thons happening in the month of May and I participated in the 3 read-a-thons that were going around booktube, bookstagram and the blogosphere. I had a lot of fun and met a lot of great people. Here are the three Read-a-thons that I've participated in:

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I made a blog post of my TBR for Bout of Books 13, I'll link it here.

I've read 2 books for Bout of Books and #CrushYourTBR (since the two read-a-thons overlaps with each other) and I'm pretty disappointed with that number but I've read great books within that week. 

My first book was: 
Holy cow. This book was AMAZING. I cannot give it enough stars, I'll give the sun, if I could. If you want to hear more of my thoughts, here's my full non-spoiler book review.

The last book that I've read for Bout of Books/ #crushyourTBR was:
I enjoyed this book so much. It's a contemporary novel and has some magical realism aspects into it. I won't tell you much since I'll be talking more about this book in my wrap up. But I gave it 4/5 Bananas
I didn't read all the books that I've planned to read but It's okay since I have enjoyed the books that I did read. Bout of Books and #crushyourtbr was an amazing read-a-thon, I can't wait to participate on the future ones!
For RYBSAT I had a great reading week! It was so good. I have read 3 full novels and 1 novella. I also read the books that were in my TBR list, which is a shocker. But anyway, here are the books that I've read. BTW, Thank you Miranda from @BooKs101M on Twitter and BooKs101 on Youtube for creating this wonderful Read-A-thon. You were so kind and thank you for taking your time reposting/favoriting/retwetting our posts! 


This was a re-read for me. The first time I read it I was on a reading slump and basically I was just skim-reading it. And that doesn't count as reading. I have a full review of this book, so If you want to know my thoughts, click here.

I enjoyed this book and it was great to be back in this world again. And Warner was babe, I really like him. I'll have a review up soon for this! 

This was the novella that I read. This was in Adam's POV and I didn't enjoy it as much. Because 1.) It's Adam. I hate him with passion from the very beginning 2.) 1. 
3/5 bananas from me. 

This took me a long time to read but thank you read-a-thon for pushing me to continue on! The first few pages was slow that's why I put it down a lot but it picked up after that. I'll also have a review coming u for this, so be updated for that! 

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So those are the books that I've read for the 3 read-a-thons that happened in the month of May. I'll be participating in the future read-a-thons because I had a lot of fun! 

Bout Of Books blog:
Bout Of Books Twitter: @BoutofBooks
#CrushYourTBR Twitter:

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