Tuesday, May 12, 2015


Hello people of the InterWebs. I am here once again. But today, I'm not doing a book review or a wrap up or my TBR. I'm doing the ''Liebster Award''

 that a very nice friend nominated me to do. Thank you Emily! (gingerspicedlife) No one has ever nominated me for something before. So Thank you so much!
Basically, the Liebster Award is a chain award that was created by bloggers and the main purpose of this Liebster Award is to make more friends in the blogging community.

Here are the rules:
 Link back to the person who nominated you
give 11 random facts about yourself
answer 11 questions from your nominator
nominate 11 bloggers
come up with 11 questions for your nominees and inform them

Pretty simple huh? Here's a toast to The Liebster Award before I begin

I just needed to add that. Okay, here's 11 facts about me.

1. I wear glasses 

2. I have braces. Total Nerd right here! 

3. I love mangoes not bananas. Yup, BookishMangoes isn't really cool is it?

4. But I love sweets more. Specifically, Ice Cream and Chocolates

5. I like giraffes but I haven't seen one.

6. Yellow is my favorite color. Maybe that's why I like giraffes, because of they're yellow.

7. I can't play any instrument. I'm not even interested to learn. 

8. I can't swim. We have a swimming class in my school but in the end, I still can't swim. 

9. I like Avatar the last Airbender than Legend Of Korra. In fact I didn't finish watching Legend Of Korra since I couldn't connect to the characters and the show isn't very funny, unlike Avatar the Last Airbender. 

10. Haven't finished a classic in my whole existence. They bore me. But I have to, for my 2015 book challenge. 

11. I'm part of the 5sosfam (5 seconds of summer if you didn't know)

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Questions from Emily:

1. Who is your favorite fictional Villain?

Darkling from The Grisha Trilogy! I find him really interesting and I just really like him in general. 

2. If you were stranded on an island and could only take one book, what would it be?

This is easy. The Holy Bible. If you guys didn't know, I'm a faithful christian and I love God. Plus, The Bible is like 1000+ pages long and it could keep me company for a couple of months and maybe a year. 

3. What is your favorite genre of book and why?

Fantasy. Unlike the other genres, Fantasy takes you to a new world with not-in-this-world characters like angels, elves, dragons, faries etc. Plus, there's action that makes your ride much more exciting. Fantasy, for me, widens my imagination. Before, I was never into fantasy since I was young and all I wanted was cheesy love stories *cough fanfiction cough* but now I crave out-of-this-world stories that fascinates me more than anything.

4. Do you ever listen to music whilst reading?

Nope. If you count the TV as a music. Usually, If I really want to focus on reading a book, I go to a quiet room and read. When I'm reading with music, I'm more like trying to decipher the meaning of the song rather than trying to read the book. 

5. Do you like non-fiction books/ (auto) biographies?

It's not that I don't like them. I just don't read them a lot. If I really know the person then I would be more interested in reading the book. For example, Tuesdays With Morrie by Mitch Albom. I have been reading his books and I'm interested in his life with his professor. And I don't really want to say that I don't like non-fiction books, since these books are like true stories or is happening in this era.

6. Where and When is your favorite place to read?

I like read anywhere, actually. But if I really like the book, then in  a quiet place. I'd read at any time of day. If I really like the book, then it'll be an all night read. 

7. What is a book/series that you want to read but never get around to?

Don't kill me for this. But, The Harry Potter series. My number one reason for not reading that series is, I have no money to but that box set. And when I was in middle school the books were so thick so of course, my initial reaction would be to avoid them and watch the movies instead. But I will read them. Soon. 

8. If you could go to any fictional universe, which would you go?

The world in the Mistborn trilogy. It's pretty awesome and I could be a Mistborn and hang out with Vin and Sazed. I know I haven't read the books yet, but the movies were so amazing. The Harry Potter world. Hogwarts. Being a wizard would be awesome.

9. Do you crack book spines or make sure they remain perfect?

Make sure they remain perfect. I don't want my books looking ugly at my shelf! And when the time comes, I could sell my books and people would byt them because they're in perfect conditions. I love my books and I want them clean.

10. What is a book that other people loved but you didn't?

Alienated by Melissa Landers. I didn't connect with the characters and just wasn't interested in the book. Fire & Flood by Victoria Scott. I didn't connect with the characters either. The Main character was annoying. I have a full review here on my blog (It's in the book archive) I don't want to rant all about it. Throne of Glass by Sarah J Maas. Okay before you throw rocks at me, let me just tell you that I loved Crown of Midnight and I gave Throne of glass 4 stars. I have a full book review here on my blog too. They're spoiler free.

11. What are you currently reading and what is your opinion on said book?

I'm currently reading Red Rising by Pierce Brown. It's pretty slow since Pierce Brown is making some groundwork and is introducing us to the world. But it's really good so far. I'm also reading I'll Give You The Sun by Jandy Nelson. It's really good so far! I'm enjoying the character but I didn't know that this book was LGBT and I don't read a lot of books in this genre. I have nothing against LGBT but I'm not used to reading these books so I hope this book will make me love that genre! 

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If you want to do this award then you totally should. I'll give you a thumbs up for that

Anyway, here are the questions to people who I will nominate/ people who want to do this:

1. What book had an impact in your life? And why?

2. Are you a fast reader or a slow reader? And what book did you read the fastest if you're a slow reader? or What book did you read the slowest if you're a fast reader?

3. Who's your auto-buy-author/s? And why did that Author became one of your Auto-buys?

4. What popular book genre that you hardly read from? Why?

5. What popular book that you did not finish? Why?

6. What popular book trope that you're tired of seeing? (ex. the author puts a lost princess and a corrupt ruler in a love triangle) 

7. Which book character, that everybody loved but you didn't? Why?

8. Do you write? By that I mean, stories and such.

9. If you get in a reading slump, what do you do?

10. Ebooks or Physical books? Why?

11. Do you participate in Read-A-Thons? Why?

Those are my questions for the people I nominate or for those whom I did not but would like to do this award. I hope you guys would do this award, it would be totally awesome since I'll be reading your answers to my questions. and basically, your entire post. Duh. 

Anyway, I nominate:

Jayne (JayneVsbooks)
Maijah (mkcl1022)
Beckie (rebekahhulse109)

You know what, whoever reads this post, please do this award. You guys are amazing for reading this long post. I'll see you guys soon on my upcoming posts! goodbyeeee

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